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Graceland Bible Church & Ministries needed a new website that will incorporate the changes in their ministry following the COVID-19 pandemic. A better way to convey the message of Jesus Christ to their current members and attract new members in their community.


  • Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Graceland has integrated livestream capabilities and simplified donation methods for members, both of which was difficult to incorporated into the current website.
  • The website was not modern.
  • Clients were not fans of the design presented to them and sometimes brought their design, which can be challenging for our platform.
  • The absence of implemented analytics prevented the tracking of site visitors.
  • Social media icons were not connected to their social media platforms.


Graceland Bible Church
& Ministries


Non-profit organization


The goal was to redesign the website that is modern and responsive to different screen sizes from mobile to desktop. I collaborated with the head Pastor and two of his board members.

graceland wireframe images


  • Saved Graceland $145 per year on hosting fees.
  • Implemented google analytics for site tracking.
  • Incorporated Facebook streaming for their services.
  • Implemented giving options for anyone that wants to give or donate.
  • Incorporated previous sermon recordings.

Graceland new website screenshot image

New design

Graceland old website screenshot image

Before design

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